Friday, December 30, 2022

Idiomatic comparisons

 Hi friends, in this post we are going to learn Idiomatic  Comparisons.

As Black as coal

As blind as a bat

As blithe as a lark

As a brave as a lion

As bright as day

As brisk as a butterfly

As brittle as glass

As busy as a bee

As cold as ice

As cunning as a fox

As dark as midnight

As dark as pitch

As deep as a post

As deep as a well

As dirty as a pig

As dumb as a statue

As easy as ABC

As fair as a rose

As fast as a hare

As fat as a pig

As fierce as a tiger

As firm as a rock

As fit as fiddle

As free as air

As gentle as a lamb

As good as gold

As graceful as a Swan

As grave as a judge

As greedy as a wolf

As green as grass

As hard as flint

As happy as a king

As heavy as lead

As harmeless as a kitten

As hoarse as a crow

As hot as fire

As hungry as a wolf

As hasty as a hare 

As innocent as a dove

As imitating as a parrot

As light as a feather

As loud as thunder

As merry as a cricket

As mad as a march hare

As mute as a fish

As nimbal as a bee

As nimble as a squirrel

As obstinate as a mule

As old as the hills

As pale as death

As playful as a kitten

As plump as a partridge

As poor as a church Mouse

As proud as a peacock

As quick as lightening

As quick as thought 

A quite as a lamb

As red as blood

As red as a cherry

As read as a rose

As a round as a ball

As regular as a clock

As sharp as a razor

As silent as the grave

As silent as the Dead

As silly as a sheep

As smooth as velvet

As soft as butter

As soft as wax

As slow as a snail

As steady as a rock

As sweet as honey

As shy as a mouse

As stupid as a donkey

As sure as death

As swift as an arrow

As sour as vinegar

As a tame as a chicken

As timid as a hare 

As tough as leather

As tricky as a monkey

As thin as a hair

As treacherous as a shark

As vain as a peacock

As warm as wool

As watchfull as a Hawk

As weak as a Kitten

As White as snow

As yellow as saffron

As yellow as gold

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